Let’s make the future
a little less bright.

Dark skies will make Lincoln City and Oregon’s Central Coast a more
compelling, attractive, livable, and successful community.

Let’s take a shot at the dark.

Bright spotlights aimed to “light the surf.”
Security lights that invade neighbors’ properties all night.
Poorly placed or directed lights that waste energy and cast light upward, rather than where it’s needed.

All of this spoils stargazing, degrades the quality of life for coastal residents, discourages tourism, and wastes energy. But, there’s good news: There are tools and supports available to help correct these challenges at no or minimal cost to the property owner. Watch this site to follow the work of the Central Oregon Coast Friends of the Night Sky, and to learn how you can get involved.

Come to the Dark Side

  • Commercial Lighting

    Learn more about how you can make your business more efficient, more profitable, and more appealing with simple, affordable improvements.

  • Attend a Meeting

    The Central Oregon Coast Friends of the Night Sky group meets monthly. Click to learn when and where they’ll gather next!

  • Astrophotography

    Dark skies help birds migrate, relieve strain on a variety of land and marine mammals … and they make for ideal conditions for stunning astrophotography!

  • Astrotourism

    Yes, people will travel to dark places. Places where the aurora, comets, planets, and even the simple phases of the moon are clearly visible. Learn more about the potential of this lucrative market to our communities.

  • Beach Walks, Naturally

    Mother Nature has her own spotlights for lighting the surf. Discover the joy of walking the Oregon Coast’s stunning beaches after sunset.

  • Milky Way? Way!

    Don’t be fooled by some glaring lights; beyond them lie stunning night scenes, like this one shot at Roads End in Lincoln City. The stars are out there, ready to provide all the light we need.